The problem:
Create "Entitlements.plist":
If you have many versions of Xcode, then you'll need to specify a version that contains "codesign_allocate".
- To re-sign a .ipa file with a different distribution provisioning profile.
- To change the bundle identifier.
Required files:
- The .ipa file.
- The distribution provisioning profile. (.mobileprovision)
- Entitlements.plist
Put all the files under the same directory.
Create "Entitlements.plist":
Copy the following code in a text file and make sure that the extension is (.plist).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
To get the bundle-id value used in "Entitlements.plist" (the previous piece of code), open (.mobileprovision) using an editor and copy the value under "Entitlements".
- Unzip the .ipa file. in the terminal type
unzip MyApp.ipa
- Inside the (Payload) folder, you'll find the .app file. Open it by right click > show package content.
- find the (info.plist) file and open it using Xcode. replace the old bundle identifier with the new one.
- Open the terminal and move to the directory that contains the (.ipa) file.
- Remove the old code signature
rm -r "Payload/" "Payload/" 2> /dev/null | true
- Replace the embedded mobile provisioning profile
cp "MyEnterprise.mobileprovision" "Payload/"
- Re-sign
/usr/bin/codesign -f -s "iPhone Distribution: Certificate Name" --resource-rules "Payload/" --entitlements Entitlements.plist "Payload/"
- Re-package
zip -qr "MyApp.resigned.ipa" Payload
- To submit the app:
- Create an app in itunes connect.
- Use "Application loader" to upload the app.
For some reason you may face this error "Codesign object file format invalid or unsuitable" in step #7. to solve it, type the following in the terminal:
export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE="/Applications/"
If you have many versions of Xcode, then you'll need to specify a version that contains "codesign_allocate".
That's it, don't hesitate to comment, to share your knowledge and to correct me.
Re-sign a .IPA file